It began with a color
While walking through the local farmers market I caught sight of a bin of bosc pears that were a brillinant golden-orange color. So I bought two of them to photograph at home. Rather than set up for just one photo, I also picked up some garlic from the next stand I passed, and on the walk home, stopped in a cheese shop for a few varieties that looked like they would go with the pears.
I started working with the Nikon 60mm macro lens, but changed over to the new Nikon 70-200mm zoom to obtain more of a telephoto look that also added a nice selective focus to the background. |
This photo is a result of 14 exposures, each focused at a different point and later combined using Helicon focus.
I had the 60mm Nikon macro set to f/5.6, began the first focus point at
the tip of the front garlic clove, and continued with 14 shots moving
the focus point one tiny step back towards the rear of the garlic. I
stopped here because I still wanted a selective focus on the background. |
This photo was taken with the same technique as the garlic photo, but here the aperture was set to f/16 and I only needed 8 images to complete the focus stack. |
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